Entries in Toronto (15)


Nelson & Winnie 2011

I had the pleasure of shooting Nelson & Winnie’s wedding a few weeks ago with a friend of mine (he uses Pentax but he is forgiven ;) ). It was a beautiful day in the GTA for a wedding. Very few clouds in the sky, moderate temperatures and best of all a cool breeze coming from the west!

I first met Nelson 4-5 years ago when I first began playing ultimate and learned a lot being just a beginner! Our paths crossed again at a common friends wedding earlier this year and was asked to photograph his upcoming wedding. He and Winnie are avid ultimate players and I was hoping to capture that in some shots throughout the day.

The bridal preparations started in the morning and the house was a buzz with activity from that point on as many family members came to celebrate with a morning tea ceremony in addition to the afternoon tea ceremony! A short walk through the park and then onto the ceremony for a wonderful event filled with friends and family. A unique twist to the evening was that Nelson enjoys puns, and every so often someone would come up to the mic and make a “punny joke” in order to encourage the bride and groom to kiss. Truly a unique moment filled with hilarity.

Here are a few shots from their wedding. Congrats you two!!

Getting Ready


Abby Road

Ultimate Photos

ceremony compo


Cherry Blossoms Toronto 2011....

It’s been a while since I’ve posted (yet again). Work has been keeping me busy along with some other odds and ends. I’ve been taking photos every now and then but have had very little time to focus on posting, sorry about that. I’ve started up my daily photo blog after a two month hiatus with a few photos from the annual cherry blossom blooms at high park. They seemed to be fuller this year than last. Maybe it was due to the later blooming period, either way it was quite the site to see and it was teaming with people who wanted to have their photos taken with the blossoms. Here are a few snaps from that walk around.

High Park Cherry Blossoms 2011

Cherry Blossom

I hope to get out and about Toronto a bit more now that the warm weather has come around. It’s been really dreary here in terms of weather. Just last week we had 9 hours of sunlight. Yes 9 hours in an entire week. That’s not very typical for these parts, usually we see about 55hrs. With warm weather comes outdoor festivals. I’m sure I’ll be quite active throughout the spring and summer seasons!

City Limits....

It’s spring here in Toronto and I’m hoping to make it outside a bit more often taking pictures of various events going on in Toronto. Of course that is very dependent on my schedule which is quickly filling up!! Sorry I haven’t been updating my daily image posts. It’s just been that busy!

Anyhow, I’ve still be crawling the web finding interesting things and here’s a nice time-lapse including 5 different cities: Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto, Manhattan & Chicago. Time lapse videos like this always catch my attention for some reason, this time it’s probably because I’ve been to each of these cities (well Chicago I’d like to go for a longer duration at some point).

Timelapse - The City Limits from Dominic on Vimeo.


AWHL Annual Fundraiser....

April 15th 2011 was a historic day for the AWHL. It was the night of their annual fundraiser and I was glad to help out with a bit of setup and a night of photography. It’s very little in comparison of countless hours that are put into setting this event up but it’s always a pleasure to work with these wonderful women. It was held at the Old Mill and the theme this year was “Cirque” which included performances by A2D2 (an aerial dance company ) around the venue and a show in the middle of the dinner. A fantastic show for a great event. The silent Auction was a success as well as the evening as a whole as they were able to go above and beyond their goals for fundraiser! So many busy signals were taken care of that night and I’m glad I’m able to show a few images from that evening:






Autoshow 2011….

This one is a bit late but I guess better late then never. I was able to attend the Toronto International Auto Show this year with some coworkers. I’m not one to take photos of cars (they just don’t interest me too much) however it’s a good place to go if you’re looking for a situation where you want to have well lit area with lots of objects to photography that won’t be moving! The show was less than stellar this year (to me anyhow), but it did prove to have some nice cars, most of which I’ll never be able to afford. It was smaller than past years when they also took up room in the Skydome (aka Rogers center – I’ll never be able to not call it Skydome), but there was still a lot of ground to cover. Here are some quick snaps:


