Entries in High Park Cherry Blossom (2)


Cherry Blossoms Toronto 2011....

It’s been a while since I’ve posted (yet again). Work has been keeping me busy along with some other odds and ends. I’ve been taking photos every now and then but have had very little time to focus on posting, sorry about that. I’ve started up my daily photo blog after a two month hiatus with a few photos from the annual cherry blossom blooms at high park. They seemed to be fuller this year than last. Maybe it was due to the later blooming period, either way it was quite the site to see and it was teaming with people who wanted to have their photos taken with the blossoms. Here are a few snaps from that walk around.

High Park Cherry Blossoms 2011

Cherry Blossom

I hope to get out and about Toronto a bit more now that the warm weather has come around. It’s been really dreary here in terms of weather. Just last week we had 9 hours of sunlight. Yes 9 hours in an entire week. That’s not very typical for these parts, usually we see about 55hrs. With warm weather comes outdoor festivals. I’m sure I’ll be quite active throughout the spring and summer seasons!

High Park Cherry Blossoms…

This past Sunday I was able to go to High Park and enjoy some of the cherry blossoms.  Donated in 1959, the site has been updated with more donations by Yoriki and Midori Iwasaki as a special gift to the people of Toronto and “a joyful symbol of life”.  This is just one of many donations of several varietals of trees.  For more information check out the High Park nature centre website.   Although it was great to see the blossoms (finally after many years of not being able to), it was unfortunate that I chose a Sunday where there would be several families enjoying the same trees.  I’ll be sure to go again some time soon when it’s not quite as busy.  More images will be showing up in my daily photo blog in the near future too so check it out!