Entries in Cars (2)


Autoshow 2011….

This one is a bit late but I guess better late then never. I was able to attend the Toronto International Auto Show this year with some coworkers. I’m not one to take photos of cars (they just don’t interest me too much) however it’s a good place to go if you’re looking for a situation where you want to have well lit area with lots of objects to photography that won’t be moving! The show was less than stellar this year (to me anyhow), but it did prove to have some nice cars, most of which I’ll never be able to afford. It was smaller than past years when they also took up room in the Skydome (aka Rogers center – I’ll never be able to not call it Skydome), but there was still a lot of ground to cover. Here are some quick snaps:





2010 Canadian Autoshow....

A huge delay in posting has occurred due to the recent Olympics in Vancouver. As much as I would’ve loved to be there I just couldn’t work it into my schedule.  However, that did not stop me from keeping my eyes glued to the TV.  Now that they are over, I suppose it’s back to the normal grind and to post some images and blogs regarding past adventures.

A few weeks ago I was able to take in the annual Canadian Authoshow held in toronto.  It’s always been a challenge at venues to take photos, as there generally are so many sources of light to take into account.  More so when you are viewing exquisitely polished show cars which provide a wonderful canvas of reflection.  I was able to get rid of several reflective lights by using a polarizer but of course that’s not perfect as it just removes a certain set of lights above.   I’ll be continuing to try to test out different methods but I’m not quite sure if there is anything out there that is perfect. 

Although I’m not a big advocate of HDR to be used to make things look a bit more “cartoony” in my eyes for landscapes and other more natural coloured images, the autoshow seems to have provided a perfect venue to test out some of these HDR techniques.  I’m particularly proud of a few cars, one being a new infinity that had a “tattoo”/paintjob that I instantly thought would be enhanced by HDR.  And of course there is this Mustang (or cobra? i don't know my cars...sorry)  that explodes off the screen.  I’ve posted them below, as well as linked them to my flickr where other images from the show may be seen.


Vintage at the Autoshow