Entries in Toronto (15)


Here comes Snowmageddon....

I thought i'd post this picture for those who will be snowblowing soon
Snow Blower [EOS 5DMK2 | EF 24-105L@105mm | 1/1600 s | f/4 | ISO200] Homeowner clearing the snow from the driveway of his home in Unionville.
...and a few photos of the last one in 2008...



Lunar Eclipse 2010....

This past Tuesday, in the wee hours of the morning, something happened that hasn’t occurred in the last 400 or so years.  It was a lunar eclipse during the winter solstice!  Lunar eclipses are common enough but to have it line up such that it’s on the longest night of the year is quite the rarity.   Unfortunately I was working that night so I wasn’t able to capture as true a time sequence of the different phases; however I was able to get a few snaps in ever so often. 

I don’t do much sky/star photography so the settings are relatively foreign to me.  For the most part, I find myself just experimenting with settings, typically switching between long exposures and large apertures to short exposures and small apertures.  Working with a dark sky and a very bright moon proved challenging but I found that a quick shutter was my friend for this evening.  Given I was in a commercial area I also had to deal with buildings getting in the way as the moon moved across the sky, I found myself moving myself and tripod to a different location each time I ventured outside to take a shot or few.   As the moon moved into the peak of its eclipse and was a nice shade of red/orange, I generally stuck with longer exposures and medium aperture values hovering around 5.6.  Throughout the evening, I’d find myself manually focusing only because I found that to be an efficient way of getting the moon in focus.  It’s during times like these where I’d have a lens with a bit more reach. My equipment only allows me to go as far as 105 on a full frame, which isn’t very much when wanting to shoot something such as the moon, so the level of detail on the surface of the moon is definitely lacking. Something along the lines of a 200+ would’ve been excellent. I suppose it’s during these times I miss a crop frame body, however, I was able to make the most of it. 

Like I had mentioned before I was working that night so I wasn’t able to capture all phases but I was able to capture a few and I’ve compiled a set of images into one composite showing the phases that I witnessed.  I’ll let your imagination do the rest.

Lunar Eclipse Progression

I’ve taken the above shots from several images I took throughout the night which will be displayed below.

Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse

Toronto Christmas Market....

During the span of December 3rd – 12th, Toronto’s Historic Distillery District held a special market to commemorate the upcoming Christmas season. Toronto’s Christmas Market took place there and was filled with many booths of hand made goods, delicious treats & life local entertainment. Though the week turned out to be a cold one, there were still those dedicated holidayers who decided to visit this new tradition of Toronto. I’m sure this market will only get bigger and better in years to come.

Toronto Christmas Market Blues Market Band

The Toronto Zoo

The Toronto Zoo!!! A place I haven’t visited in YEARS… DECADES!  I finally made the trip the other week and I think the description of “a kid in a candy store” would best describe my behavior of this 27 year old on the cusp of 28.  Up until today, it had been the best day to go, not too hot, not too cold, but just perfect.  I went with a great group of friends who enjoy taking photos, so I wasn’t holding anyone up when I took that extra few moments to setup my shot.  That’s always a worry of mine.  I’ve gotten quite good at just adjusting and taking photos on the fly, but generally it’s always lingering in the back of my mind that I’m holding my friends up.  I’m sure many aspiring photographers feel the same way. 

Anyhow, during our day trip we saw about 80-90 percent of the grounds.  Which is very impressive in itself.  There are tons of photos located in my flickr account in this set here “Toronto Zoo 2010”.  But I thought I’d share a few photos here, in my semi-regular updated blog. 

I don’t have the greatest equipment for animal photography but I did what I could.  I was just too excited to take very many photos but I took enough to remember my time there.  After all, my thoughts about photography have always been that they capture the view of the world of the photographer.   I take the images that will help me remember my thoughts and views during that time in my life.  Although I have dabbled in some commercial photography, I try to impose that belief in all my photos and I suppose that is my style.


Sugar Beach….

The other day I was looking into things to do in Toronto. I’ve done most festivals and major attractions in Toronto over the years.  I may not have taken photos but I have done them so they become less alluring as a result.  A friend mentioned Sugar beach the other day; a new piece of land converted from a parking lot into a somewhat of a beachfront relaxing / lounge for the area.  Though it’s a bit out fo the way for normal office folk, the fact there are a few offices around does help business I imagine.

When I arrived a few weeks ago, it seemed that it was under construction with large vehicles ready to be packed up.  I heard just the other day it is now official open, but here are some pics prior to that.  I tried to get shots without the bulldozer

Pink Umbrellas