Entries in Photography (5)


Nelson & Winnie 2011

I had the pleasure of shooting Nelson & Winnie’s wedding a few weeks ago with a friend of mine (he uses Pentax but he is forgiven ;) ). It was a beautiful day in the GTA for a wedding. Very few clouds in the sky, moderate temperatures and best of all a cool breeze coming from the west!

I first met Nelson 4-5 years ago when I first began playing ultimate and learned a lot being just a beginner! Our paths crossed again at a common friends wedding earlier this year and was asked to photograph his upcoming wedding. He and Winnie are avid ultimate players and I was hoping to capture that in some shots throughout the day.

The bridal preparations started in the morning and the house was a buzz with activity from that point on as many family members came to celebrate with a morning tea ceremony in addition to the afternoon tea ceremony! A short walk through the park and then onto the ceremony for a wonderful event filled with friends and family. A unique twist to the evening was that Nelson enjoys puns, and every so often someone would come up to the mic and make a “punny joke” in order to encourage the bride and groom to kiss. Truly a unique moment filled with hilarity.

Here are a few shots from their wedding. Congrats you two!!

Getting Ready


Abby Road

Ultimate Photos

ceremony compo


And the winner is….

The results are in from the work photo contest I entered a couple of months ago and as it turns out, I won 2 of 3 categories!  I didn’t expect much in terms of results since typically the winner is often a photo of a small child or a cute furry animal.  That generally seems to be what the majority of people at work vote for in these things, and I must admit, I’d vote for those too!  However, I decided to enter anyway despite not having any of these types of images and also because I really wanted to beat a coworker who was just talking smack!  The department is full of camera gurus and from them I often acquire several tips and tricks regarding processing and photography. I also often find myself anticipating hearing about what they did the past weekend and if they shot anything.

Anyhow, back to the contest.  There were three categories: Landscape, People/Animals and Funny/Artistic/Creative.  The categories were very broad and this was a fall/winter contest so it was difficult trying to find images that I think ‘the people’ would enjoy.  After filing through my images I was able to find 2 satisfactory (in my eyes) images to enter into each category.  After all the votes were tallied it turned out I won the Landscape and the People/animals categories.  The winning prize wasn’t much, $10 Black's gift card for each category.  It’s a tiny victory but it sure did feel good to see people enjoy the images and the compliments after the winners were announced. 


Here are the images that won:

3rd Line


FLG asks for Photos....

It’s always exciting to have your photos published.  I’ve had a few before used in various manners but just recently I’ve had a representative from the Flaming Lotus Girls (FLG) contact me for access to images from my set from the exhibit they had going on for Toronto’s Winter city.  A few images have already been posted in this blog as well as my day-to-day photo blog.  I’m curious how they’ll use them, if only in there gallery or other media forms.  I’m not sure if I’ll be able to see my efforts as they are a word-wide group.   I have a few other commercial type endeavors going forward so hopefully I’ll be able to get those moving a bit quicker in the next month.

On a side note, Canon has a new announced a new T2i for the consumer market, it seems to pack more features in, hopefully I’ll be able to play around with one soon just to see how it feels.  Having a small second body is always very useful.   For now my point and shoot will suffice. 


Playing around with Time Lapse....

The holiday season is upon us, December has come and the festiveness has taken over me. I've already had help from coworkers in decorating the office, next comes the home. The lights went up last night, but this past weekend was tree weekend.  I've been curious about Time Lapse video using images taken in intervals.  I still have a lot to learn when it comes to technique, but I thought I'd give it a try with my p&s while trimming my Christmas tree.  I used a total of 76 images from the camera and compiled it using iMovie.  I decided to use a simpler program since I wanted to put something together quickly and want to look deeper into other software another time. We'll see what other creations I'm able to do in the future. Hopefully some longer term ones will be in the works


In the Beginning.....

For a while now I've had many friends asking me to display a few images here and there outside the world of Flickr.  This website is a result of being bored one day and deciding it was about time that i actually followed up on these requests and put something up for all to read...see...enjoy. My hope is that perhaps I'll be able to give a perspective on how i view the world through the use of images taken in various every day events and happenings. This Blog will contain an array of images from different aspects of my life. Perhaps some insight will be given in the way i view the world. I know it may not interest the majority of the audience out there but i hope this will be a place that will be enjoyed by people of all walks of life. 

I'm far from a professional photographer but i do enjoy the art and am learning more and more every day. You may leave your comments, whether they be positive or negative. I'm not sure how frequent my posts will be but i do hope to post as frequently as time permits.