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In the Beginning.....

For a while now I've had many friends asking me to display a few images here and there outside the world of Flickr.  This website is a result of being bored one day and deciding it was about time that i actually followed up on these requests and put something up for all to read...see...enjoy. My hope is that perhaps I'll be able to give a perspective on how i view the world through the use of images taken in various every day events and happenings. This Blog will contain an array of images from different aspects of my life. Perhaps some insight will be given in the way i view the world. I know it may not interest the majority of the audience out there but i hope this will be a place that will be enjoyed by people of all walks of life. 

I'm far from a professional photographer but i do enjoy the art and am learning more and more every day. You may leave your comments, whether they be positive or negative. I'm not sure how frequent my posts will be but i do hope to post as frequently as time permits.

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