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Nelson & Winnie 2011

I had the pleasure of shooting Nelson & Winnie’s wedding a few weeks ago with a friend of mine (he uses Pentax but he is forgiven ;) ). It was a beautiful day in the GTA for a wedding. Very few clouds in the sky, moderate temperatures and best of all a cool breeze coming from the west!

I first met Nelson 4-5 years ago when I first began playing ultimate and learned a lot being just a beginner! Our paths crossed again at a common friends wedding earlier this year and was asked to photograph his upcoming wedding. He and Winnie are avid ultimate players and I was hoping to capture that in some shots throughout the day.

The bridal preparations started in the morning and the house was a buzz with activity from that point on as many family members came to celebrate with a morning tea ceremony in addition to the afternoon tea ceremony! A short walk through the park and then onto the ceremony for a wonderful event filled with friends and family. A unique twist to the evening was that Nelson enjoys puns, and every so often someone would come up to the mic and make a “punny joke” in order to encourage the bride and groom to kiss. Truly a unique moment filled with hilarity.

Here are a few shots from their wedding. Congrats you two!!

Getting Ready


Abby Road

Ultimate Photos

ceremony compo

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