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Wedding #5 … 

Lewis & Gloria. What can I say, perhaps the most interesting of proposals I’ve ever heard (unbeknownst to either until the next day), and a super jolly couple well suited for one another. I’ve known these two friends for several years and watched the grow and develop and it was great being able to attend their wedding.

The ceremony took place at Toronto Korean Yum-Kwang Presbyterian Church in markham. Filled with tall ceilings and a large stage, the couple were announced man and wife to a large gathering of friends and family. We then went to Ambassador Chinese Cuisine to feast on a multiple course Chinese meal and play with tiny lego men and women as they were the party favour for the evening (lewis is a big lego man… pun not intended ).

Both were glowing as the games and festivities took place, lewis going around to the next couples this year saying “you’re next” with such joy. The night ended later than expected (signs of a great party) but what a night it was. Here are a few shots of the wedding.

Congrats Gloria & Lewis



Wedding Song

Congrats Lewis & Gloria!!!

The next weekend is this weekend. I’m part of the wedding party so I won’t have as many photos but hopefully I’ll be able to sneak a photo or three ;)

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    999 A necessary piece of every woman wardrobe are her footwear.

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