Entries in 2010 (5)


New York, New York....

I’ve been away from the blogosphere for a while now. In that time I’ve been rather busy with a lot of work and sports so that’s unfortunately led to neglecting regular updates of this blog. I also went to NYC and have a daunting task of going through about 1800 photos that I took during my 12 day stay there. A good chunk of t hose images are from Lisa & Andy’s wedding, which I must say was fantastic; I’ll blog about that later on though.

I’ve just touched upon those NYC photos the other day since I had to start somewhere.  I’ve got somewhat of a light schedule this weekend so maybe I can get through a few more. The entire trip was an overwhelming photographic experience.  There was just so much going on all the time that it was hard not to snap here and there.  I am very familiar with NYC, growing up there during my youthful summer days, so getting around was a cinch.  I had some key locations and tourist type spots that I wanted to take images of, but after that it was all just random walking and enjoying myself; with the occasional beer of course. 

I plan on posting more on here when I get through them but here are just a few to begin with:

26th Street
Times Square Welcome

Celebrate the Women in your Life....

Yesterday I was lucky enough to shoot the AWHL (Assaulted Women’s Helpline) annual Celebrate the Women in your life fundraiser.   I normally just Web-Admin for them but they asked me to take photos after seeing some of my portfolio.   It was a great experience!! I went in trying to figure out what equipment I may need to successfully shoot the event.  I went in with all my equipment plus a couple of borrowed pieces, and a full stock of recharged batteries for flashes and my

camera. In the end I used the following: 5dmk2 body, 2x580ex2 flashes, 20+ GB memory, Canon 70-200L IS F2.8, 24-105L IS and several batteries.   Notice I left out my usual prime 50mm.  that’s mainly because there was another photog doing portrait type shots so I felt I could get away with the more versatile 24-105.  Not the most ideal lens would be the 24-70 but I don’t own one of those given what type of work I usually do. 

The day was long as I was helping out with the setup of the event beginning at 10am! By the end, 12:30am the next day, I was sore and could really use a relaxing pub with a pint.    The photography part was particularly tiring since I was holding almost 5+ lbs of equipment most of the night (the body + 70-200 combination).  I didn’t mind since I was in the moment but afterwards…wow what a relief to pack that away.  Overall the images came out amazing.  I have yet to go through all of them and process but I have a great feeling I have a lot of wonderful shots.  The processing will hopefully be done by the end of this coming week so I’ll post an update ASAP. 

My only regret would be not getting a photo with the host of the evening, CP24’s Melissa Grelo.  She did a wonderful job and I’m sure she had a very long day as well since I was watching her while getting ready to head downtown at 7am. 

Lesson learned:  Try to avoid having paper cuts while shooting all night.  The next day my hands were mighty swollen.   

All in all, a wonderful night!  Thousands were raised for the helpline and everyone had a wonderful time!


A new forward.....

In December I purchased the domain latentimagephotography.com.  This will be forwarded to my daily photo page.  The name was inspired years ago primarily through the explicit meaning of the term 'latent image’.  The term as cited from Wikipedia is “an invisible image produced by the exposure of the film to light”.  I thought about it a bit more in depth such that I want it to represent the way an image can represent a hidden meaning depending on its audience.  I hope to have different photographs inspire different memories in a wide all encompassing audience.  That is what I want my site to represent, the presentation of a photography to all audiences such that it inspires and allows the audience to remember a time when…even if it is only myself remembering.  I strive to have my images represent this philosophy.  I may just be a beginner in terms of photography and composition, but I hope overtime this idea of an image will be an inspiration to others. 


A new year... A new beginning....

It’s the New Year and I’m not quite sure what that brings. 2009 went away with a bit of a whimper.  2010 will prove to be quite the year hopefully. Photography prospects are in abundance if I can get this planned and worked out.  A new locale would be great since typically I go out west. I’ll be heading to NYC at least twice this year, first time being in February to help my friend Nard move in and the second will be during the July long weekend for a wedding.  Both should be great opportunities to shoot with the DSLR. The last time I went was with my p&s back in 2004, a lot has changed and considering it was a 2nd home for a while I’m very excited to see what photographic inspirations will be encountered. That city has always inspired me in ways no other could.  Equipment wise, my bag should stay the same, I don’t foresee any potential equipment being purchased but with all these rumours of new lenses the temptation will be there.  I hope to be a bit more active on this blog portion. I’ve been okay with updating my daily photo section relatively often, it took a bit of a hit due to the holidays and since work has been so hectic the variety of images has been sparse.  Again, 2010 will be a year of more initiative and opportunity.  Hopefully I’ll be able to document them well enough as I go along. 


Merry .... and a Happy New....

Just wishing everyone a very merry christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!