Entries in Latent Image (1)


A new forward.....

In December I purchased the domain latentimagephotography.com.  This will be forwarded to my daily photo page.  The name was inspired years ago primarily through the explicit meaning of the term 'latent image’.  The term as cited from Wikipedia is “an invisible image produced by the exposure of the film to light”.  I thought about it a bit more in depth such that I want it to represent the way an image can represent a hidden meaning depending on its audience.  I hope to have different photographs inspire different memories in a wide all encompassing audience.  That is what I want my site to represent, the presentation of a photography to all audiences such that it inspires and allows the audience to remember a time when…even if it is only myself remembering.  I strive to have my images represent this philosophy.  I may just be a beginner in terms of photography and composition, but I hope overtime this idea of an image will be an inspiration to others.