Entries in New York (4)


Congrats to Kristina & Kaushik!

Wow, am I ever behind in posting this “Welcome to the family Kristina!!!!” I was honoured to take part in my cousins wedding this past September in Poughkeepsie. There were two ceremonies on the sunny September afternoon; one traditional Filipino and one traditional Indian. This was then followed by a fantastic reception where everyone was able to let loose and party!

Kristina & Kaushik Wedding

Kristina & Kaushik Wedding

Kristina & Kaushik Wedding

Kristina & Kaushik Wedding

Kristina & Kaushik Wedding


Life Underground….

While in NYC I found it strange that I kept seeing these little figures all littered throughout the A-C-E subway line. I took a few photos here and there and decided to figure out the reason for their existence later. It’s now later and a little research has been done. It seems these little pieces of art were created by American sculptor Tom Otterness as part of the reconstruction/revitalization of the line.  I wish I had gone up and down taking photos of all pieces but here are a few of the cute creatures I came across.

Life Underground
 Life Underground

More NYC....

I was able to get through a few more photos the other night on another free evening.  I’m not sure how many I’ll eventually process and share given a lot is going on this summer but I’m having a great time just revisiting my random wanderings of the city.   One part of the city I enjoyed the most was Central park, whether it was the morning jogs or just walking about snapping photos. Here a few I took during my journeys (well mostly the walking since running doesn’t adhere to storing a camera very well).

Carriage Ride
Dancing on Roller Blades

New York, New York....

I’ve been away from the blogosphere for a while now. In that time I’ve been rather busy with a lot of work and sports so that’s unfortunately led to neglecting regular updates of this blog. I also went to NYC and have a daunting task of going through about 1800 photos that I took during my 12 day stay there. A good chunk of t hose images are from Lisa & Andy’s wedding, which I must say was fantastic; I’ll blog about that later on though.

I’ve just touched upon those NYC photos the other day since I had to start somewhere.  I’ve got somewhat of a light schedule this weekend so maybe I can get through a few more. The entire trip was an overwhelming photographic experience.  There was just so much going on all the time that it was hard not to snap here and there.  I am very familiar with NYC, growing up there during my youthful summer days, so getting around was a cinch.  I had some key locations and tourist type spots that I wanted to take images of, but after that it was all just random walking and enjoying myself; with the occasional beer of course. 

I plan on posting more on here when I get through them but here are just a few to begin with:

26th Street
Times Square Welcome