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A new year... A new beginning....

It’s the New Year and I’m not quite sure what that brings. 2009 went away with a bit of a whimper.  2010 will prove to be quite the year hopefully. Photography prospects are in abundance if I can get this planned and worked out.  A new locale would be great since typically I go out west. I’ll be heading to NYC at least twice this year, first time being in February to help my friend Nard move in and the second will be during the July long weekend for a wedding.  Both should be great opportunities to shoot with the DSLR. The last time I went was with my p&s back in 2004, a lot has changed and considering it was a 2nd home for a while I’m very excited to see what photographic inspirations will be encountered. That city has always inspired me in ways no other could.  Equipment wise, my bag should stay the same, I don’t foresee any potential equipment being purchased but with all these rumours of new lenses the temptation will be there.  I hope to be a bit more active on this blog portion. I’ve been okay with updating my daily photo section relatively often, it took a bit of a hit due to the holidays and since work has been so hectic the variety of images has been sparse.  Again, 2010 will be a year of more initiative and opportunity.  Hopefully I’ll be able to document them well enough as I go along. 

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