Entries in Winter (4)


Snow Snow and more Snow!!!....

I love snow; I cannot explain in words how much I love snow. Well the act of snow falling mostly, when it gets all ghastly and dirty…well I don’t love it nearly as much then. I do love mountain powder, but alas, I live in Ontario…no mountains. So instead I must entertain myself with walking around the city while it’s snowing. Earlier it was High Park, however this time I chose Main Street Unionville as my area of choice. I know my friend who owns Palettera Custom Correspondences has been looking for more local shots of winter for a postcard series so I thought I’d try to get a few that she may enjoy. The last time I attempted this I ended up falling waist deep in a small river/lake in the area… luckily I’m always expecting to do such a thing and was quite waterproof, this time however I was not and stayed away from the water as best as I could.


Canadian Flag in Snow




Highpark Snowfall....

For whatever reason I had this urge to go to Highpark today. I was in the area visiting a friend and figured I may as well see how the snow landed in this large park. It actually started becoming very blustery when I arrived which worked out well given some snow can be seen in the images. I was starting to get cold so I couldn’t exercise too much creativity but here are a few shots. More will be in the photoblog as I get through some more of this Christmas updates. Unfortunately I’ve been very lazy when it comes to updating that blog. I’ve had images to post just haven’t gotten around to do so, hopefully I’ll be more consistent for the next little while.

Blue Pool Border Green and White

Winter shooting....

The winter in Toronto has not proven to be very winter-like.  I was hoping to get more images of snowflakes and snow covered streets and locales this year, however Mother Nature seemed to have a different plan.  This past week provided a bit of snow to Toronto and surrounding parts and I tried to take advantage of fact it lasted all of 24 hours.   I was able to head up to Main St. Unionville to take some images of Too Good Pond.  It’s often a place where hockey is played by locals and just a nice area to walk around in the summer.  I was able to get a few nice shots here and there, as well as stalk a flock of various ducks that seemed to be congregating on a hill not too far away.   I was dressed in full waterproof attire as I figured I’d be getting some good snow picks, but it proved even more useful when I took a little step/fall into a river near the pond.  I quickly up righted myself but the waterproof gear proved highly useful, as I had no water damage to my equipment or myself as a result.  Note to self… look for thin ice signs.


Icicles Forming


2010 WinterCity Kickoff

Toronto’s Annual winter celebration couldn’t have come at a better time.  With the first big chill of the season I decided to brave the coldest temperatures of the season to take a few quick snaps of this years Winter City kickoff on Friday.  Low light and evening conditions generally can be a challenge for most photographers and dare I say even avoided!  I don’t have a terribly fast set of lenses so I make due with my F4 hardware and often look forward to night shooting.  Although very challenging at times, I find the colours just jump out nicely in low to dark lights.  The Winter city kick off proved to be an interesting challenge as it was both low light and bright light with bursts of fire from the city’s “Angel of the Apocalypse” installation.  The results will be seen slowly over the next few days in my daily photo blog but here are a few images I’ve already posted on Flickr.  The installation can be seen throughout the week and synced to music next  weekend.  There is also an acrobatic display that I was unable to stay to watch.

For more information about Winter City click on the following Link: About Toronto's Winter City

Angel of the Apocalypse Installation Pillar of Fire