Entries in Food (3)


Food Shooting...

This past Thursday I was asked to take some photo’s of an upcoming menu for the new ‘Lardon Restaurant’.  I’ve never really done anything in terms of food product shots before, other than the normal being at dinner and taking photos in poorly lit dining rooms.   Given this opportunity to create my own ‘set’ of sorts, I was able to do a bit of research in terms of food photography and spent a lot of time just looking at photos of food.  In the end, I decided to go with the setup of 2 flashes with shoot through umbrella’s, one at 2 o’clock and one at 8 o’clock.  I was originally doing some test shots with a reflector but I found that the 2nd flash helped neutralize some of the harsher aspects of a reflector.   The flash was at a ratio of 1:4 (2oclock:8oclock) to get the light that I wanted and went from there.  I also decided to bring my laptop and hook that up to the camera so the client could see the shots and make any suggestions or adjustments to his food.  Given I don’t have a food stylist I could use all the chef input I could get.  This is definitely something I’d like to try again, after all as with most photography practice makes perfect, if there is any such thing as perfect.  In the end the client was happy with his shots, as was I.  Lardon Restaurant opens officially March 26th, 2010.  From the samples I had during the shoot, everything tastes delicious! You can also check out some shots of Roncesvalles that I took hanging in the restaurant too!






2010 Niagara Icewine Festival....

I find myself wine tasting quite often throughout the year and each time I go I find myself amazed with the images I walk away with. Whether it’s with the super wide angle lens or just with a normal zoom or a prime there always seems to be a pleasant surprise when I get home.  I was lucky enough to take part in this years Niagara Icewine Festival in Niagara on the lake, Ontario.  This trips surprise were the wine glass images I was able to capture.  There just seemed to be more of an assortment of glasses laying about in perfect position for a great “menu/catalog” type of shot as I like to call it. I’m sure you know which I’m speaking of, the ones which you’ll find on a menu at a bar or restaurant of perfectly placed table and silverware.  It was the first weekend of the Niagara Icewine festival this weekend and I was able to take advantage of these perfect placements. 

This time around I went with a few friends to Peller Estates, Riverview Cellers and Chateau des Charmes.  All offered great tasting icewine, Peller offered a marshmallow roast and riverview offered an excellent chocolate fountain.  Both were impressive but I’d have to say the Chateau won me over with it’s 2007 Vidal icewine paired with their local vanilla ice cream and peaches. It was just divine and perfectly paired. 



Chateu and Icecream


Peller Estates wine glass


A fond farewell...

A friend the other day left for the big city of New York on a job adventure.  I know I usually blog about photography and various aspects but I thought I’d mention this little diner/charcuterie that we discovered in Toronto’s West end.  It’s called “the black hoof” and has two locations, across the street from each other.  On one side you have a more formal establishment with a plethora of meats to choose from paired a delicious wine and beer menu.  Most unique would be their mixed drink menu as they create their own specialty drinks that their staff most prefers, not the usual blend of spirits.  On the South side of Dundas West we have the Hoof Café which has a trimmed down menu and more of a diner feel. The friend staff welcomed us with open arms at 12am and provided what proved to be a delicious array of meats and cheese.   I’d highly recommend both places for their ambience and friendly staff, it’s a place I hope to venture to in the near future. Farewell Nard and have a great time in NYC.

The Black Hoof