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Step one of computer...complete....

Today I purchased 2 items on my list of computer parts. The main items I guess one could say, the I7 CPU and the Asus motherboard.  Unfortunately the RAM and power supply was not available at the location I chose, instead I opted to “order” the part and have them bring it in from their other location.  I'm not in too much of a hurry to get this computer set up, I have quite the hectic work schedule this week so I really don't have the time to build and configure the new computer. I have however begun to back up my old computer which is a painstaking process in itself. I may just buy a new hard drive and start from scratch and use the current drives I have in the old box as auxiliary storage. Next on the list of decisions…video card. Does brand matter when the core GPU is the same? Time to do some research.

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