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That's all she wrote....

The other day my desktop finally succumb to old age. It was far from my primary computer (main one is still a macbook pro) but it did serve me well for 7+ years which is phenomenal.  It's fate was to be used as a download box and a method of streaming tv for the past couple of years. Not much work did get done it but it served it's purpose.  Although it occasionally has a heartbeat, it often just freezes and sits there, waiting for me to turn it off. 

As a result, I've decided to gather some parts and put together a new machine. One which i will definitely be using more frequently for editing purposes since it'll have the power to do so and well, perhaps some gaming (which is a rare occurrence).  I've already figured out what i want in terms of specs:

  • I7 920 Quad core
  • ASUS P6T Motherboard - not SE
  • OCZ 700W fatality power supply
  • 6GB OCZ 9-9-9-28 DDR3

For the most part i should have all the other parts necessary to put this machine together. I haven't decided if i need a new case, i may just make due with my old one. In the coming days I'll decide where i want to get the parts. Ideally they would all be at the same location, however, some parts are a bit difficult to come by.  I've been out of the computer building world for some time, it's great to be back in it!


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