
Christmas Market 2011

The festive season is upon us. Typically i'm on top of all things festive, however being away on vacation in S. Korea has caused a bit of a delay. I finally put up the lights on the house and the tree and then got to take part in one of my favorite festivals in Toronto.

The distillery District's Christmas Market. Although very young in it's history, it has proven to have made it's mark as it seems to have grown in popularity with each year. This year was no exception with more exhibitors and larger number of free samples.

I encourage everyone to check it out while they still can. The last weekend is coming up quickly!!!! For more information check out Toronto Christmas Market

Christmas Market


Wedding No. 10....

Congrats Victoria & Ryan! The final wedding of the year was in Ottawa, not too far from home so it was a nice weekend trip to see my good friend Ryan and his now wife, Victoria say their vows. It was a beautiful ceremony on a farm just outside the city on a fall day. It was a sunny day with the autumn colours really proving to be a beautiful backdrop. Congrats Ryan & Victoria!!!


Victoria & Ryan

The Bridesmaids

Marmora Mine....

I finally got around to going to Marmora Ontario in early October. I’ve seen photos and have heard about the mine through friends and I just had to check it out. IT’s not on my usual route to anywhere so I had to wait for an occasion that I was heading to eastern Ontario. The chance came when going to Ottawa for my friends Wedding (pics to come of that in a later post) and I decided to take the scenic route.

It was early in the morning when I got there so the water at the bottom of the mine was not as blue as it normally would’ve been but it was gorgeous. I’d like to go in the afternoon if ever I’m in the area again. Here are a few pics:

Path to Marmora

Blue Marmora

Foggy Morning


I Love Toronto....

I know I complain about this city a lot and do love it when i leave and get to explore other cities, but i do love this city, and i grew up here. I also love time lapse video...so when you combine the two... it's something i must share on here. I found this video when on blogTO. For the article press here. Otherwise, enjoy the video by Ryan Emond

Toronto Tempo from Ryan Emond on Vimeo.


more updates....

Hopefully I'll be able to get back into this daily photo update cycle again. It's just been such a crazy summer and fall season that I've just been so behind on maintaining the site. It has calmed down a bit, so updates will be coming! Unless i can get this trip to Korea thing worked out...*crosses fingers*...
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