Entries in January 2012 (1)


Punta Canada…

Yes you read correctly. I thought I was hearing things when at the airport when the announcers kept calling it Punta Canada. I guess a lot of Canadians go there during this time of year so it’s been given that cute play on names.  Vacation, what is that. I rarely take one, a real one. Typically I go away for a weekend to see friends, mostly w here I can drive. I suppose this wasn’t really a true vacation. The purpose was to take photos for a wedding. But when in a place for 8 days and the wedding is just one, I would have to say it’s more vacation than work. 

The weather… Gorgeous.  The food…Delicious.  The experience…Amazing.  I’ve never been one to really do the whole all inclusive thing, but I think from now on I must give it greater thought.  It was just so great. I am the type to go exploring into the nooks and crannies of places, but sometimes having everything planned out and ready for you to use just makes life easier. 

The scenery. I was able to wander a bit, through excursions.  I took many a photo of that wonderful place. I need to go back, perhaps walk around the actual city a bit more.  Here are a few choice photos from the collection. The images from the wedding will be displayed shortly. What an amazing wedding it was! I can’t wait to go through it all. 

Saona Island


The City, Punta Cana

Motor Bikes