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I’m often asked to do portraits of people, however, typically I decline since I don’t feel I have all the equipment I’d like in order to do what I envision portraits to be. This morning however, I was asked by a friend in need to take a few head shots as his restaurant is being featured in an online article where they require a photo of the chef of Lardon Restaurant(him).

Luckily I was able to borrow his 2nd flash, and although I’d prefer to have 3 flashes to have a more variety of shots, I went ahead with 2 canon 530exII’s and a large reflector to achieve what I was hoping would be decent head shots that would please him. I had one flash (with a diffuser) on body pointing towards the subject along with a flash behind the subject pointing at the wall, also being diffused. I used a large circular white reflector to help reflect light from the flashes to eliminate as much shadow as possible. The result wasn't so shabby. I was able to at least able to achieve what my friend wanted. This was a set of black and white and colour head shots he could submit to be used and also have on file. Given this was my first attempt at doing this type of photography (I’m more of a candid/landscape shooter); I feel I did an adequate job given the situation. I of course would like to try some more flash and light techniques that are floating around in the back of my mind. Perhaps it’s time to buy a few extra flashes? I guess we’ll see ;)

Here are a few shots from the results of the shoot. I’ve touched them up, removing some blemishes however no air brushing was performed as my friend preferred not to have that done.

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