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Light Stencils....

My lack of inspiration astounds me. Usually I find something to photograph and post but quite clearly I haven’t given the last post I made in my photo blog was back in November.  Argh!!! I’ve been looking into light stencils over the past while and it looks like it’ll be fun!  I haven’t had time (or the inspiration for that matter( to get around to it, however I did find this rather cool video on vimeo (I heart vimeo – if I haven’t mentioned before – or perhaps you’ve seen the abundance of videos I’ve reposted) the other day and thought it was a great use of light stencils!  

For those who are not familiar with light stencils, it’s basically cutting out a stencil in the shape/picture you want and having a flash project light through it during long exposures. Looks like a lot of fun to try!

Anyhow back to the topic at hand, here’s the cool video I found:

Nowhere Near Here from Pahnl on Vimeo.


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