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After a week vacation.....

I'm finally back in Toronto after a week long vacation in Alberta enjoying the snowy peaks of the Rockies and the delicious beef of Calgary.  Now that I'm back I'm able to work on the site a bit, though i was still uploading while there using some very shaky access. I still have a few sections to decide upon. First being what i should put in my 'about' section.  How much detail to put in and what misc. info to include.  I may aslo re-orient how to subscribe via RSS and also include a links section to some other interesting blogs that i often follow. After these, hopefully these 'building' blogs will turn into more interesting life oriented blogs of just random interesting (hopefully) tidbits of information that i come across. 

And oh yes, i did take many a photo in Alberta. I'm slowly sifting through them. Currently the photo blog is comprised of the odd shot from the past 2 years, hopefully I'll have more  up to date photos as time comes along.

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