Entries in Peppery (7)


Will you be my Valentine….

….well that’s what Salty and Peppery are asking tonight. They were busy tonight creating these excellent cards vying for your heart. A bit early, yes, but that day is fast approaching. Here is another set of Salty and Peppery pics for their montage.




Salty & Peppery Meet Snow….

The ongoing series of Salty & Peppery continued today after another snowstorm hit Toronto. I wasn’t here for the first one last week, given I was in Boston, so I took advantage of the opportunity to introduce Salty & Peppery to the snow and what fun they had! I’m too easily amused by these Characters.

Salty and Peppery playing in the snow

Salty sees snow for the first time

Salty and Peppery dreaming about what they can do in the snow

Snowball head Salty

Snow Angel Salty and Peppery

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