Entries in Knorr (11)


Salty…missing? …. I think not !!! ….

Salty Missing?!?!?!?!

Happy Birthday Jimmy....

Happy Birthday Jimmy.... As everyone knows, I do have a turtle. Not the most active of pets a child could get when younger but given I grew up in the age of ninja turtles it was quite cool. His birthday was mid march and just turned 23. Yup, Jimmy (that’s his name) is going to out live me at this rate. He got his normal birthday gift, some shrimp snacks and seemed very content that day. It’s useful that his birthday is around St. Patty’s day. This allows for all things green to be available for his big day. This year he decided to celebrate with Salty and Peppery!!!

Salty Peppery Jimmy Partying Vintage

Salty Peppery Jimmy Partying

Will you be my Valentine….

….well that’s what Salty and Peppery are asking tonight. They were busy tonight creating these excellent cards vying for your heart. A bit early, yes, but that day is fast approaching. Here is another set of Salty and Peppery pics for their montage.




Salty & Peppery Meet Snow….

The ongoing series of Salty & Peppery continued today after another snowstorm hit Toronto. I wasn’t here for the first one last week, given I was in Boston, so I took advantage of the opportunity to introduce Salty & Peppery to the snow and what fun they had! I’m too easily amused by these Characters.

Salty and Peppery playing in the snow

Salty sees snow for the first time

Salty and Peppery dreaming about what they can do in the snow

Snowball head Salty

Snow Angel Salty and Peppery


More Salty….

I’ve been trying to take Salty everywhere I go. Not always is there an opportunity for Salty get into precarious situations but here are the latest additions to the Salty and Peppery scrapbook.

Salty tries to get Beer

Salty and BB

Salty likes Swing
More images can be found in my flickr set: Ode to Salty