More adventures with salty…
Friday, March 11, 2011
Vivek Bhattacharyya in Blog, Duck, MR. T Duck, Ninja, Ninja Duck, Peppery, Salty
I’ve been away from updating my daily photo site and I apologize. I’ve still been snapping away. There have been quite a few winter storms here in Toronto since the last post, I’ve just been busy at work, you season and all.

Salty seems to have gotten into some trouble recently, most notably with some ninjas… good thing salty had a special friend help him out!!

Salty Vs. Ninjas

It seems Salty wants to get into photography…literally. Salty Vs. Lens

Not to be left out, peppery found a friend. salty and dead duck
Article originally appeared on VB Photography / Latent.Image.Photography (
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