Marmora Mine....
Monday, November 14, 2011
Vivek Bhattacharyya in Blog, Marmora, Photoblog, Photography

I finally got around to going to Marmora Ontario in early October. I’ve seen photos and have heard about the mine through friends and I just had to check it out. IT’s not on my usual route to anywhere so I had to wait for an occasion that I was heading to eastern Ontario. The chance came when going to Ottawa for my friends Wedding (pics to come of that in a later post) and I decided to take the scenic route.

It was early in the morning when I got there so the water at the bottom of the mine was not as blue as it normally would’ve been but it was gorgeous. I’d like to go in the afternoon if ever I’m in the area again. Here are a few pics:

Path to Marmora

Blue Marmora

Foggy Morning

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