Salty has arrived….
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Vivek Bhattacharyya in Blog, Knorr, Salty

The other day I was checking my mail (as usual) and I found this small package wedged into the mailbox.  I wasn’t expecting anything in particular as I hadn’t been ordering anything online lately.  Much to my surprise and entertainment I found Salty and his brother Peppery (I’m not quite sure if that’s the pepper shakers name but that’s what I’ll be calling it!).  I ordered this set of Salt & Pepper shakers months ago and had long since forgotten about them. Now that I do have them, I’ve decided to do an ongoing image tribute to these guys.  Mostly Salty since you can see his fantastic expression on his face.  The look of awe…  I may occasionally post my favorite ones on this site, otherwise you’ll have to know me on flickr to see the complete set here

 Here are some of the latest pics:

Salty Stuck!
Salty in awe
Salty Celebrating
Salty Vs. Moosie
Article originally appeared on VB Photography / Latent.Image.Photography (
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