Delicious Cheeseā€¦.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Vivek Bhattacharyya in Blog, Distillery District, Stilton, Toronto

I’ve decided to do a couple other miscellaneous posts between now and when I get through the photos of my friends  wedding in Kingston, Ontario.  The other day I was able to go to a somewhat celebratory lunch with some friends.  They of course were just recently engaged; This directly translates in a future blog post next year when they get married!  However, that day was dedicated to the Distillery and more specifically enjoying great food from a local pub.  Though I do frequent Mill St. Brewery often, I rarely get a chance to have a sit down meal there.  That day I ordered the Steak and Stilton Pot Pie.  It was absolutely delicious.  In fact writing about it now is making me somewhat hungry.  The stilton definitely gave me a good punch.  Though more known for it’s infamous “terror dreams” that it induces in some; it was used as a sharp accent on this meaty pie.  


Mill St. Brew
Steak & Stilton


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