Lots more to do.....
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Vivek Bhattacharyya in Blog, Rambling, Setup

After sleeping on it, i decided that i'd just have two "blogs" of sort within this website.  I'll have the traditional blog as you are reading here, as well as a 'photoblog' of sorts. Mind you both may be updated on occasion only and probably not at the same time, but at least this allows me to show some of my work without losing the integrity of a typical blog like atmosphere.  

The Photoblog will just have images taken during the normal course of life.  As i said, i'm just learning as i go here. Hopefully this will inspire me to learn more and take that next step.  

The blog itself will contain just daily ramblings of this and that. It's primary content of course will be image oriented. Whether it be regarding taking photos, a recent style i tried or just an event i attended. 

We'll see how this goes. I still have a lot of work to do. But i finally linked my domain to the site so i guess it's publishable to a certain extent. I still need to figure out some side bar elements and advertising elements.  This being said, i'm off to calgary next week so things may be on a hold for just a bit. 


Article originally appeared on VB Photography / Latent.Image.Photography (http://www.vivekbhattacharyya.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.