Machine finally assembled....
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Vivek Bhattacharyya in Asus P6T, Blog, Intel i7, Technology, XFX Radeon 5770, ocz reaper 6GB ram

I finally was able to assemble my machine on Thursday.  It was a bit of a wait after I picked up all the parts Tuesdays and Wednesday since work was really busy and getting in the way.  In the end I was able to obtain all the parts I wanted. The majority were obtained from the same store, however I had to venture a bit for the cabling and video card. 

I opted for a new case, as the old one wasn’t large enough to accommodate the video card as well as the option to expand in the future. I also wanted a bit more room to work in as my old case could barely fit my hands in after everything was placed inside. 

Below I’ve included some pictures taking with my point and shoot as I assembled the machine.  I was able to organize the cabling just a bit so it turned out cleaner than the final image.  I’ve since installed Vista 64 (no copy of windows 7 available at the moment) and nearly completed installing all the software.  It’s been a busy week so the process has been stretched out a bit.  I’ll also be installing a partition with Snow Leopard OSX when I have the time.  I’m not certain when that’ll be but those are future plans. 

I was quite surprised at how quiet this machine is when running. The DVD rom of course is ridiculously loud when at full speed, but without that on it just hums stealthily.  Hopefully this machine will provide me good use in the years to come.


The parts to be assembled

Part way through - still some cabling required

Some cabling completed

In the Dark


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